Zaporozhchenko Oleksandr

28 years old, iOS Developer

My Projects

GitHub repositories that I've built.

trying out AppDelegateProxy for swift
Swift 2 0
thrift to realm convertor mac os app, uses thriftconvertor, thriftfinder and thriftbase apis
thrift to realm convertor api
Swift 4 0
thrift base classes used inside thrift to realm api and somewhere outside
Swift 4 0
some shared files/techniques used from project to project
Swift 2 0
test iOS app using generated thrift to realm things
Swift 4 0
thrift finder api that helps find thrift classes using regex
Swift 4 0
Thrift Perfect Server Example
Swift 4 0
just simple example of AFHTTPSessionManager usage via ReactiveCocoa
Objective-C 3 0